Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Platformer Level Proposal

My inspiration for this platformer level was Metroid Zero Mission. MZM was my favourite platformer game to play. The story, design, and complexity always amazed me, even the smaller details such as watching your character's armor change over time was something that made this game really stand out above the rest. Because of MZM's impact on my childhood, I wanted to replicate a similar experience with my Platformer Tutorial level.

Long-distance travel in your spaceship has taken a heavy toll on your power generator, knowing you won't make it to the next star port, you land on a small planetoid in hopes of finding something that can save your ship. Shortly after leaving your ship, you realize that you landed in an abandoned mining facility. while searching through the mines you stumble upon an ancient alien temple, the readings on your scanner pick up a huge power signature within, will go further into the mysterious temple? or will you be stranded on this rock forever?

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